Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Ended 3 Temporadas - 38 Episodios

Nozomu Itoshiki quiere morir. Desde los primeros rayos de sol hasta la llegada de la noche, todos los esfuerzos de este joven profesor están dedicados a acabar con su vida, sin embargo, no importa si se trata de una cuerda de mala calidad, de una silla que no se mueve, de un revolver averiado o de una navaja sin filo, parece que el destino se entretiene manteniendo a Itoshiki en este mundo. Pero la vida sigue, y este parco individuo debe asistir al primer día de clases en su nueva escuela: un instituto de secundaria, lo que no sería mayor sorpresa de no ser porque todas las chicas, y algunos chicos, de su clase son severos casos de patologías mentales, desde una aterradora hikikomori, una inmigrante ilegal, una acosadora, un chico que vende todo lo que tiene, otro al que todo el mundo ignora, una obsesiva-compulsiva y hasta una chica que sólo se comunica a través de su teléfono móvil.


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Temporada 2
1 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Look, the Baron's Reckless Remark / There Are a Lot of Problems in This Class So Please Be Aware of That2008
2 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Forelocks Yet To Be Opened / Adornment At Tiffany's / Rouse Up, O Old Men of the Old Age2008
3 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Seventeen Years Old Don't You Want To Grab Your Wrinkles? / Duty and Soldiers / Don't Say It So Casually! Melos Stood and Retorted Furiously2008
4 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> An Artist By the Roadside / I Have Mostly Read Shameful Books / The Inconspicuous Summer2008
5 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Team Play / I Always Called That Person A Leftover / The Other Side of an Act of Kindness2008
6 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Thou Shalt Not Know / The Story of Hoichi the Dreamless / Private Stealth2008
7 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Cat That Was Told a Million Times / Little Red Riding Hood Sleeps. Be Careful / The Tsugaru Correspondence Education2008
8 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Spynapple Pudding / When The Fruit of Exposure is Ripened / A Half of the Criminal Investigation Report2008
9 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> A Couple is Better than a Single / The Byway to Oku2008
10 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Deteriorating Stream / A Fool's Adequacy / The First-time Condition2008
11 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Dark Despair Women / On This Month, On This Night, The Moon Shall Be Clouded by My Tears2008
12 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Glory of Landing / Role of a Certain Woman / Pororokka Came Riding a Wave2008
13 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Dismissal of Myohonji in Kamakura / The Voice of Daidouji Shinsuke / Under the Assumption of Siblings2008
Temporada 3
1 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Highway to Hell / The Spring Postman Always Rings Twice / Withering Heights2009
2 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> She Who Has / Russian Time Song / Withering Heights Part 22009
3 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Tragedy of X / I will not Return to Japan. I Was Unable to Be That Resolute / Doctor Kahogo2009
4 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> How I Became a Real Human / Celebrated Pedigree / Doctor Kahogo Part 22009
5 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Back Scratch / The Adventures of A, Leap, and B / The Dropper in the Rye2009
6 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Measles of Madison County / Polygon in the Evening / The Dropper in the Rye Part 22009
7 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? / Failure as a General / Yeah, It's a Surprise, I Muttered Hollowly2009
8 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Yeah, It's a Surprise, I Muttered Hollowly / Confession Crepe Team / The Last, and the First Enoden2009
9 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Emergency Which Became a Nun / The Right Answer, 30 Years Late / Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher2009
10 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The Egg of the Klak / A Certain Country You Know Well / Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher Part 22009
11 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> House of the Girl in Glasses / Progress in Confinement / The Clothing Seen By the Sage Leglipht2009
12 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> After the Third Time / The Unburied Secret / Progress in Confinement Part 2 / Naughty Teacher Kaere2009
13 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Revenge of the Shit / We Are Linus / The Optimism Prize / Kiyohiko Night2009
  • Título original:Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
  • En Producción:No
  • Primera fecha de emisión:07-07-2007
  • Última fecha de emisión:26-09-2009
  • Género:Comedia, Escolares, Parodia
  • Puntuación:0 votos
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