
Ended 3 Temporadas - 75 Episodios

Toda su vida Chihaya ha soñado con ver a su hermana mayor convertirse en la modelo Nº1 de Japón… Eso hasta que un estudiante nuevo llamado Arata le explica que un sueño es aquel en el cual uno mismo trabaja. Esta afirmación cambia el pensamiento de Chihaya y gracias a el descubre su verdadero sueño y pasion, el “Hyakunin Isshu” un juego de cartas tradicional de Japon, ella descubre que tienen un talento innato para este juego y ahora su sueñor sera ser la mejor jugadora del mundo.


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23m 2011 8 views

Temporada 2
1 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> So The Flower Has Wilted2013
2 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> As My First Love Came2013
3 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Feel Love Deepen2013
4 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> To tell the people in the capital that I make for the islands2013
5 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Be as dear now, those were the good old days2013
6 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> To set the Tatsuta River ablaze2013
7 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> They all exchange hellos and goodbyes at the famous gates of Afusaka2013
8 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Which shines over Mount Mikasa2013
9 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> My Only Thought2013
10 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Rain takes longer to dry2013
11 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> I feel as though my body is on fire with Ibuki mugwort2013
12 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The only sign of summer2013
13 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> In my dreams, I creep closer to you2013
14 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> People would always ask if I was pining for someone2013
15 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> No matter where I stand2013
16 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Wait for the Emperor's Return2013
17 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Gust of wind2013
18 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> My fear is that you will forget2013
19 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> I do not know where this love will take me2013
20 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The fall paddy shacks2013
21 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> But its legacy continues to spread2013
22 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Long Last We Meet2013
23 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> To see the beautiful cherry blossoms2013
24 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> When I must hide...2013
25 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> I can look up and see the snowy cap of Mt. Fuji2013
26 <img src="" alt="Imagen Chihayafuru 2x26"> Desconocido
Temporada 3
1 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> May it be that I find2019
2 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The hazed early dawn light comes not from the moon2019
3 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> But from the crystal white snow of Yoshino2019
4 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Nobody wishes to see2019
5 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Mount Amanokagu2019
6 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Tatsuta River Ablaze2019
7 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The storm blasts2019
8 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> As friends and strangers2019
9 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> I recall how my own efforts were in vain2019
10 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Scarlet kadsuras2019
11 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Leaving a hovering mist above the trees and grass2019
12 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> So the flower petals are scattered like the snow by the passing storm2019
13 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Yet it is I who withers and wilts2020
14 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The emotions experienced2020
15 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> As helpless autumn leaves are caught against the flow2020
16 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Takes me away in haste2020
17 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> As my sleeves are wet with dew2020
18 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> The storm will soon carry me2020
19 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Bring a life of everlasting love2020
20 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> May the scarlet kadsuras2020
21 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> To restore my faith2020
22 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Just as my beauty has faded2020
23 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> Like a boatsman adrift2020
24 <img src="//" alt="Imagen "> When winds send waves crashing2020
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