Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma

Ended 1 Temporadas - 13 Episodios

Based on the popular mobile game of the same name. Bungo and Alchemist -Gears of Judgement- is set in a fantasy world with famous and handsome historical figures from the field of literature, who must call upon their magical abilities to save books that have been tainted by evil forces.

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24m 2020 12 views

  • Título original:Bungo and Alchemist -Gears of Judgement-
  • En Producción:No
  • Primera fecha de emisión:04-04-2020
  • Última fecha de emisión:08-08-2020
  • Género:Acción, Aventuras, Fantasía
  • Puntuación:0 votos
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